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QUALITY WATER - SingLongSint 1680 新隆盛 1680 优质饮用水

WP5RP-10C-SLS1680 家庭优质飲用水            Residential water Purifying System

SingLongSint 1680

A superior system ensures purified water for direct drinking. It is effective in eliminating heavy metals e.g. lead, mercury, arsenic and copper as well as bacteria. It has the right pH level as required by human body. A clean and healthy naturally sweet & fresh quality water that is safe for your young children and parents. Our body organs and brain need sufficient quality water to grow better and be healthy. SingLongSint water is not ordinary bottled drink water that you can buy off the shelf in the market like pure and distilled water or soft drink.

It shall be your ONLY Choice Once you Tasted it.

SingLongSint system not only purify the source water but also improve its quality on the basic of the specific characteristics of the water supply ensuring a tailor-made process, to provide an even BETTER, CLEANER, SAFER and HEALTHIER water for direct drinking.

Dirt, rust, algae and odor remover, chemical absorption, eliminates chlorine and heavy metals, antifungal,
Controls bacteria and microorganisms’ growth, provides superior CLEAN, HEALTHY and FRESH water.

新隆盛 1680 –

一个为您精心备就的优质洁净水系统, 让您家小孩与父母避免有害重金属 (铅、汞、砷、铜) 、氯、细菌与偏酸性酸硷质的危害!人的五脏及身体充盈足量好水能帮助身体成长与健康。新隆盛有别于市场上罐装水如纯水、蒸馏水及甜饮品, 是水中之极品。

尝过新隆盛, 不喝别家水。

盛系统不单去除水资源或水管网二重污染, 并  同时改良水质特征, 提升水品质, 予人既安全洁净又健康, 好上加好的直饮用水。




此系列除滤去细菌, 污垢, 铁锈, 藻类和异味, 吸收和消除氯和重金属等化学物质, 并控制细菌和微生物的生长, 提供优质的清洁, 健康和新鲜的水.

WR5p-10F1245Mp4M-7F 家庭优质飲用水 Residential water Purifying System

New series N1680
Research and Environment friendly design in S’pore.

SingLongSint N1680

An upgrading design, mineral magnesium rich. 5 filters set (with spare filters 2 pieces) 

新系列 N1680

新隆盛 N1680

升级设计, 富含矿物质镁. 五滤芯庄 附加二支后备滤芯

WP6Rp3-10C-SLS-9F- N1680 家庭优质飲用水 Residential water Purifying System

An upgrading design, mineral calcium and magnesium rich. 6 filters set (with spare filters 3 pieces). Two faucets one output Calcium water another output water with magnesium

升级设计, 富含矿物质镁. 六滤芯庄(附加三支后备滤芯).                                                                       两个水龙头一个输出含钙水另一个输出含镁水

A healthy naturally sweet & fresh quality water specially designed for you & your family

Advantages of the system

Our body organs and brain need sufficient quality water to grow better and healthier. This system is effective in removing suspended particles such as silt, sediments, cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium), sand, rust and dirt. Also it eliminates heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, chromium and cadmium; Removes Chloramine & Chlorine and, most importantly, effectively remove bacteria 100%. Furthermore, it balances the pH level needed for the human body.

Water processed through the SingLongSint 5RP-10C-SLS1680 Purification System produces a safe & freshly purified drinking water, which one can drink directly without the need of boiling it.

The SingLongSint product has been researched and designed in Singapore.

The SingLongSint 5RP-10C-SLS1680 Water Purification System comes with a total of 9 filters. It is a unique system which ensures safe purified water for direct drinking from the tap.

Over the past ten years, it has been exciting to watch the company grow based on its experience to conduct studies and tests of the technology in Singapore. Our company has since emerged as the one of the leading companies in the industry of water purification. From Year 2005 when the company was established till now, we have always been able to maintain the high quality of our product. For this reason we are willing to contribute in this area and provide people with healthy water.

Designed Environmentally friendly, energy saving and water saving

The SinglongSint 5RP-10C-SLS1680 Water Purifying System does not need electricity to operate, and has no water wastage, both during the purification process and cleansing of the system’s discharge outlet. This results in prolonging the lifespan of filters. It strengthens the vitality of the system and allows people to save costs.

Energy upgrade design

Rich in minerals calcium magnesium or magnesium. Calcium helps people body with building strong bones and teeth, it contributes to the grow of childrens’ bones, continues to help maintain the bone and slow down bone density loss for ages. Calcium relaxes the smooth muscle that surrounds blood vessels, lower blood pressure and keeping A normal heartbeat; together with magnesium, they help to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, support healthy immune system, keep the heartbeat steady, and help bones remain strong. Magnesium is also a key element in physiological metabolic pathways such as intracellular energy synthesis, protein synthesis in vivo, and gluconeogenesis. The calcium/potassium imbalance caused by magnesium deficiency can affect muscle contraction and cause spasms and arrhythmias. The continuous absorption of magnesium can also help relieve insomnia, constipation, prevent brain aging, and help patients with three highs, diabetes and hypertension.


人体五脏及脑部充盈足量好水能帮助身体成长与健康。这个系统可以有效地滤除  各种淤泥、粉砂、沉淀物、贾第虫隐孢子虫、沙粒、铁锈、尘埃; 有效滤除铅、    水银 (汞) 、砷、铜、铬、镉等各种对人体有害的重金属; 它滤除氯也100%滤除细菌, 并帮助人体吸收到最佳微碱值的食水。

经新隆盛 5RP-10C-SLS1680 滤水系统处理了的水是安全键康及味鲜清甜的洁净水, 无需煮沸即可饮用。


新隆盛 5RP-10C-SLS1680 洁净水系统, 具有九个独特滤芯,确保使用者可以饮用到安全键康及味鲜清甜的洁净水食水。过去十年, 历史见证了我们公司在新加坡进行研究及通过新加坡有关当局的各项测试, 这也让我们公司晋升为食水净化行业中的科技公司之一 。





富含矿物质镁或镁。钙可以帮助人们建立强壮的骨骼和牙齿,它有助于儿童骨骼的生长,继续帮助维持骨骼并减缓老年人骨密度的流失。 钙可以放松血管周围的平滑肌,降低血压并保持正常的心跳; 与镁一起,它们有助于维持正常的神经和肌肉功能,支持健康的免疫系统,保持心跳稳定,并帮助骨骼保持强壮。镁同时也是细胞内能量合成,体内蛋白质合成,糖质新生作用等生理代谢途径的关键元素。 缺镁而造成钙/钾的不平衡,会影响肌肉收缩,引致痉挛心律不整。 镁的持续吸 收也能帮助缓解失眠,便袐,防止脑部老化,帮助三高,糖尿病及高血压患者。

Content for 《SLS1680, N1680 优质飲用水系统》 简介 :

1.   The SingLongSint 5RP-10C-SLS1680 Water Purifying System Technical Parameters

Water Pressure requirement : 0.1-0.3 Mpa
Water expected temperature : 5 – 40” C
Water flowing rate for purified water: 2L/Minute

A) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680Case:
B) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680L:
C) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680:

Weight :
A. 6.5 Kg (with casing)
B. 6 Kg  (with stand)
C. 5 Kg (only Purifying System)

D) 7 pieces, net/gross weight 6.1/6.6 kg
E) 9 pieces, net/gross weight 8.6/9.6 kg

2.   Guidelines for the replacement of filter cartridges for purifier SLS1680

2.1) The life span of our filters in purifying for water is for 10,000 litres. This can be understood in the following manner:
If one uses the system for 10,000 litres per day, it equals the number of days after which the filters must be exchanged.
2.2) There is a transparent housing designed for the 1st filter so one can see if the filter is dirty. It will show the incoming water condition and if the filters need to be replaced.
2.3) Water quality will determine the life span of the filters. Thus, you can decide when is the best time to change them or you can follow the recommendations made here.
1) SLS 1680125
2) SLS 1680136
3) SLS 1680004 – When needed

3.   SingLongSint Filters sets and changing schedules

3.1) Set 1:

Emergency spare set SLS 1680256
F2 , F5 and F5p are spare filters for emergency use. These filters are not for sale individually.

3.2) Set 2:

SingLongSint Filters set SLS 1680125
This is a kind of 3 in 1 filters formed by F1, F2 plus F5 filters:-
Its 1 Micron (um) Polypropylene filter is effective for removal of sand, silt dirt and rust particles and the solid COCONUT Shell Carbon Cartridge and others remove taste, odour, Chlorine and as well as heavy metal of sulfide, lead, mercury, copper, chromium and cadmium and as well as bacteria.

3.3) Sets 3:

Filters set SLS 1680136

A type of 3–in-1 filters set formed by F1, F3 plus F5p not only removal of sand, silt dirt amd rust particles, the natural coconut shell carbon block with Nano Silver further removes Chlorine, taste, odour, and as well as bacteria. It also protects the system from reproduction of bacteria within the system and there is extra protection for dirt if any break or leak from the filters.

3.4) Set 4

Filter SLS 1680004 / 1680N04 New series N1680

An Ultra-filtration (UF) Membrane system:
The water that runs from the first to the third filter, with deal with the bigger particles larger than one micron are readily purified. And as a further prevention, there is a 4th filter. The 4th filter rejects particles in the range of 0.1 micron to 0.01 micron. This will further improve the quality of water.

3.5) Provide the service of cleaning the filter element suite and replacing the filter element to ensure the supply of good water quality:

SLS 1680125:
SLS 1680136:
SLS 1680004:
SLS 1680 FC / FM:

 1. 新隆盛5RP-10C-SLS1680洁净水系统技术规范:

水压规格: 0.1-0.3 Mpa
温度规格: 5 – 40” C
过 滤水流速度: 2L/Minute / 每分钟两公升

A) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680Case:
B) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680L:
C) WPS-5Rp-10C-SLS-1680:

A.  六.五公斤 (with casing / 附外箱)
B.  六公斤 (with stand / 附脚架)
C.  五公斤 (only Purifying System / 纯系统)

D) 7支庄, 净/毛重6.1/6.6 kg
E) 9支庄, 净/毛重8.6/9.6 kg

2.  更换新隆盛5RP-10C-SLS1680 洁净水系统 滤芯的维修规范:

2.1)  我们的滤芯寿命期限以一万公升水为准,参考以下方程式:

【一万公升的食水】 除于【 每日过滤及消耗的容量】=【 滤芯使用天数】

2.2)  我们设计第一个滤芯外壳为透明, 方便使用者用肉眼查看滤芯是否沾上太多   沉淀物或泥沙, 也可以明显看到内流的食水情况及滤芯运作详情。

2.3)  进水的品质将影响滤芯的寿命期限, 使用者可依此决定是否提前或延后更换   滤芯的日期, 依序如下:

1) SLS 1680125
2) SLS 1680136
3) SLS 1680004 –  若有需要。

3. 更换新隆盛洁净水系统滤芯的建议:

3.1) 第一套:

紧急备用系列 :SLS 1680256
F2 , F5 及 F5p 是特为紧急备用而设立的滤芯, 不另行销售。

3.2) 第二套:

新隆盛 SLS 1680125 替代滤芯配套
这是一个由F1, F2 及F5 组成的三合一替代滤芯配套:
这是一个一微米厚度的聚丙烯滤芯,它非常有效地滤除各种淤泥;粉砂;沉淀物;贾第虫隐孢子虫;沙粒;铁锈;尘埃。 它附有椰壳活性炭, 可以有效地消除异味及臭味, 滤除氯化物。它也可以有效滤除 铅; 水银 (汞);砷;铜;铬;鎘 等各种对人体有害的重金属及细菌。

3.3)  第三套:
Filters set SLS 1680136

这是一个由F1, F3 及F5p 组成的三合一替代滤芯配套, 它不只有效地滤除各种淤泥;粉砂; 沉淀物; 贾第虫隐孢子虫; 沙粒; 铁锈及尘埃, 它的天然椰壳活性炭及纳米银    产生双层净化功能, 更加有效地滤除氯化物, 异味, 臭味以及有害细菌。它也能确保细菌不能在滤芯里面繁殖, 也能在损坏及漏失时加强防止尘埃淤泥侵入。

3.4)  第四套
Filter SLS 1680004 / 1680N04 新系列 N1680

当食水流过第一, 第二以至第三个滤芯时, 超过一个微米大小的物质已经被滤除了, 这第四个滤芯就会负起滤除介于0.1 微米 至 0.01 微米的细小尘埃淤泥及细菌, 进而净化其为优质洁净水。

3.5)  提供清洗滤芯套间与更換滤芯的服务,保证良好的水质的供应:
SLS 1680125:
SLS 1680136:
SLS 1680004:
SLS 1680 FC / FM:

4. Certificates reference 品质证书参阅

     3)  The test report of TUV SUD PSB, an international testing agency in Singapore, on our filtered water is as follows:
           新加坡国际检测机构TUV SUD PSB 对我司过滤水的检测报告如下:

Singapore Trade Mark Act  新加坡商标法

Registration Certificate  登记证明书

SingLongSint registered 13-Jun-2016  新隆盛注册于2016年6月13日

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